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History of Silesia

  • Oberschlesien, Du lieber Teil des ostdeutschen Schlesiens ! Alles Schleiern sei dieses Video hier auf Youtube empfohlen: ,,Die Oberschlesier - Tatsachen über Oberschlesien" - zdanie od 19GDeutschG87
  • huj wam w dupe NAZIŚCI !!!!!!! TYLKO POLSKA !!!!! - zdanie od Dogers57
  • Poszły won do szwabii faszysty! Tam salutować angeli. - zdanie od GrigorijAleksandr
  • @Stolzerpole1 wszystko jusz dawno zaplacany, kolego. Nie tylko nasza ziemia dostaliscie ale milliardy niemcy pompowali do warszawe, i teraz tesz przes UE. Mówisz ze nie jestes nazi? to czytaj dokladnie co napisales tutaj. Und wärest du stolzer Pole, könntest du deinen nickname ruhig "dumnypolak1" nennen - und nicht in der Sprache des Volkes, das du anscheinend abgrundtief hasst. Ein Widerspruch in dir selbst bist du. Traurig. Das Rad der Geschichte kannst du nicht zurückdrehen.Die Zukunft zählt - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • Why Davies is controversial? Only because he refuses anti-Polish chauvinism popular on the west since the partition period? Yeah great argument MOST Poles in Germany are immigrants so they can be deprived from the most basic human rights - to cultivate their traditions and national awareness in their families. Not to mention that it is based on lies because a large group of Poles in western Germany are not immigrants. Have you ever been in Ruhr district? Poles live there since generations. - zdanie od Andrzej Zdybel
  • next war with us is the final end for poland - zdanie od Adolfo Hitleri
  • @tommi59tk of course Silesia still exists, german minority and it´s original inhabitants in upper silesia who keep the tradition and history up! - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • Sehr richtig bemerkt. Auf solche Fakten (!) weiss man in Polen seit je her keine Antworten zu geben. - zdanie od Wehrburg
  • Schlesien, ein untrennbarer Bestandteil des wahren Ostdeutschlands ! - zdanie od Wehrburg
  • Das Land war recht dünn besiedelt, und nachdem vier Fünftel der Bevölkerung durch den Mongolensturm umgekommen waren, bemühten sich die Schlesischen Piasten im 13. Jahrhundert sehr um deutsche Kolonisten, sodass bis zur Vertreibung der Deutschen 1945–1947 in Niederschlesien der größte Teil und in Oberschlesien ein nicht geringer Teil der Gebiete eine deutsche Bevölkerungsmehrheit hatte. Die Mär von der erzwungenen Germanisierung ist nur ein verzweifelter versuch die Vertreibungen schönzureden - zdanie od 82Empire
  • @abmellah historically and culturally, Silesia hasn´t be a part of Poland for more than 700 years, but part of the 1st german empire and populated by germans, the southeastern part populated of slavic and german people. The 3rd Reich was the biggest disaster in german history and of course it wasn´t free but a totalitarian regime. It is a theoretical question if it was legal to annex territoriese or to erase states (like prussia) - but there are facts that count, not theory :/ - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • how is it a music? - zdanie od MrSqra
  • @GurnySlunzok You shouldn't compare historic nations like Poles or Germans, with separatist regional ethnic groups who's identity is based merely on a separate language or non-historic fantasie traditions. I recommend you two books: "Thoughts of a Modern Pole" (by Roman Dmowski) and "Nations and Nationalism" (by Ernest Gellner). Your definition of nation would lead only to absurds. - zdanie od Andrzej Zdybel
  • @SchlesischeKrieger So I guess you would organize an insurrection against the Polish dominance in Silesia? ;) - zdanie od Andrzej Zdybel
  • @GurnySlunzok German - Not Slavic Silesian culture was oppressed. You should also remember that national minority rights were much higher than in Germany or in the Soviet Union at that time. - zdanie od Andrzej Zdybel
  • freiheit oberschlesien - zdanie od hermanus88
  • @GurnySlunzok Russian point of view? Have you know that in the January Uprising participated even pro-liberty Russians? - zdanie od Andrzej Zdybel
  • @RitterDesHimmels1 approximately 31% is an old number (still super high), nowadays scientists and historicans count at least 2-3 million more ukarinians, but nevermind. Who said that a smaller number of minorities can be oprressed? I think that if the national minority is bigger, they should be more represented. You see, now germany as a 'multinational state' could also be the future of Poland (in fact it would be Poland´s tradition, right?). Prove me that the minorities in Ger have less rights - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • @RitterDesHimmels1 no, according to 400.000 german-silesians that left (well...or were forced to leave more or less would be the better word) east- upper silesia. Not according to goebbels propaganda but to my family history e.g. :) Ever heared of Grazynski? Everybody knows he was anti-german and closed german schools e.g. in the 30´s. No goebbels, but facts. I wouldnt take him or any nazi thing as a source ;) - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • @RitterDesHimmels1 How interesting you redommend me Dmowski...this is everything but an objective viwe on nations, nation building. Nowadays historic scientist would call Dmowski not a scientist itself but a national pole with a (from today) chauvinist and old fashioned view of nations/nationalism/ etc. Would you also maybe recommend me Grazynski as an example of a good upper silesian voievod? Nowadays he would have been in jail for what he did. Things developed, RitterDesHimmels1 - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • @GurnySlunzok Kiepski pewnie z geografi byłeśc co? ;) - zdanie od PolskaWolna
  • @GurnySlunzok I`m also a Silesian. Of course I know that Wehrmacht soldiers had no choice - they were forced to join the German military. But even so they were puppets of a bloody totalitarian regime, so they shouldn't be welcome by Polish citizens (Volksdeutsche). Polish Silesians (according to the German census from 1900) were a majority (60%) of population in Upper Silesia. They had the right for self determination (just like the inhabitants of Greater Poland). - zdanie od Andrzej Zdybel
  • @RitterDesHimmels1 The question is, for who? 75% of upper silesian´s industry was now then on polish territory (good for poland), Grazynski´s anti-german policy (bad for germans)....a 'freestate silesia' would have been the best solution for this region from my point of view. this would be neutral for the silesian people who suffered under german and polish rule. - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • @RitterDesHimmels1 But did you realize that the piasts were always half german due to the german wife´s they always chose? The inhabitants of silesia were from the middle ages also influenced by german culture/genes again (like silesia was before germanic/celtic), at the battle of legnica was a slavic-german knight army that fought together. The Piasts spoke german and were pro-western, not polish. If they wanted a united Poland then not because of patriotic polish feelings. - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • Fuck of Silesia ! Poland is poland,schliesien raus aus Polen scheiß nazis ! - zdanie od Oskar Zabik
  • Polish government in London (durging II World War) wanted only Danzig, some lands on the border (Lauenburg and Butow, Grenzmark) and Upper Silesia (with Beuthen, Gleiwitz and Oppeln). It was mayby 25% from "Recoveres Territory". But Stalin stolen our East (Lwow, Vilno - it was 48% of polish territory!) and gave german territory where in 80% we havent't any demands (Breslau, Stettin). - zdanie od PomorskiWilk
  • @RitterDesHimmels1 Davies is definitely controversial. A historian should also mention the facts that are not good for Poland. The question is, who refuses and who spreads anti-polish/german chauvinism? ;) Show me where Poles are prevented from speaking their language, cultivate their traditions and so on? I know Ruhr-district very well.Poles CAME there as immigrants, it´s not a historical grown minority. But they have everything they want - polish schools on saturdays e.g. - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • @GurnySlunzok Mnie to wali kolego,ja nie jestem NAZI,nigdy nim nie bylem ! Ale kazdy wie ze nosicie niemiecka krew,niemcy zaplaca co zrobili polakom i zydom ! I sie nie wypieraj ;;) - zdanie od Oskar Zabik
  • And you know that Cassubians are an own nation, that around 223.000 declared the cassubian nationality and that around 20,000 only the cassubian nationality without polish? what does this teach us? 1. Most Pommeranians were integrated in the german nation 2. Many of nowadays Pommeranians see themselve only "also" polish. - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • 2 Poles are descendent's of the old Rzeczpospolita only because they always cultivated the traditions of an independent Poland - even during the partition period (I mean insurrections and a pro-liberty literature). That`s why we can say for sure that Poles never lost their national awareness. I do not support the demands of a separatist groups like Moravians, Novogrodians, Samogitians and anti-Polish Silesians, because that continuity between their medieval states had been broken. - zdanie od Andrzej Zdybel
  • @PolskaWolna no to jak byla historyjo slunsko goroliczku? zobocz yno na wikipedyjo o Slunsk, tam to samo pisze co jo zech tukyj pokazywol...niech zyje polska - ale bez slaska ;) - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • Unfug Pollack(e). - zdanie od Wehrburg
  • Dir ist bewusst das das Wort annektiert in diesem Zusammenhang nicht verwendet werden kann/sollte? Die von dir genannten Städte waren noch ein paar Jahre zuvor offiziell Reichsgebiet (ohne Lodz natürlich). Außerdem wurden die Gebietsverluste im Osten niemals von der Regierung annerkannt. Denke also besser darüber nach wer hier welches Gebiet annektiert und eine Vorlage für den Krieg durch Enteignung, Vertreibung und Unterdrückung gebildet hat. - zdanie od Deutsches Reich
  • Thanks for demonstrating your monumental stupidity Danzig is not Pommern unless you fucking thieves poo-led it Poo-land scum POMMERN FÜR IMMER DEUTSCH ! - zdanie od Adolfo Hitleri
  • @GurnySlunzok "slavic silesian culture has always been linked with german customs, traditions.." -what a propaganda! Slavic Silesians were mostly peasants among the German society-that`s why it's hard to speak about a "political point of view" or higher culture in their case-until the XIX/XX century. German national culture dominated in Silesia. In XIX/XX century peasants had gain national awareness, and at that time Polish national consciousness begun to rise among the Polish-speaking Silesians - zdanie od Andrzej Zdybel
  • @pfkksgksk44 zeby caly swiat by wiedziol i rozumiol ze my slunzoki i slask nigdy niy byla polska! pyrsk! - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • @RitterDesHimmels1 I guess insurrections aqre more the polish style ;) - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • @SchlesischeKrieger silesia is not existed anymore sorry - zdanie od tommi59tk
  • ino Gurny Slunsk! - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • Ohne die deutsche Ostsiedlung und die damit einhergehenden gewaltigen zivilisatorischen Veränderungen, sähe Schlesien noch heute aus, wie die Strecke zwischen Kiew und Minsk! - zdanie od 19GDeutschG87
  • I am one eighth Silesian/Schlesisch The rest German. - zdanie od valstar1000
  • Piastowie śląscy byli tacy sami jak wielkopolscy, kujawscy czy mazowieccy - tłukli się o tron w Krakowie, bo każdy chciał być polskim królem. - zdanie od PomorskiWilk
  • Do you remember who started war? Do you remember who in 1939 annexed 90.000 km^2 polish territory (Posen Bromberg Kattowitz Gdingen Lodz)? Who expulsed 800.000 polish people from this territory? And finally, who losted war? - zdanie od PomorskiWilk
  • @RitterDesHimmels1 Me, as a Silesian, knows what this video is supposed to show: not the NAZI soldiers were welcomed as carriers of a "political idea" (a fascist totalitary cruel system) but as GERMAN soldiers - that´s what silesians saw in them! If you mention the 1st and 2nd uprising, hae a look where the weapones came from, who lead itm what the aims were. The 3rd uprising was an illegal polish military action on german territory. Don´t forget the plebiscite: 60% and more for germany! - zdanie od Gurny Slunzok
  • @GurnySlunzok Have you ever read at least one book written by Norman Davies? "God's Playground" was considered by the Polish minority in the UK as an anti-Polish book. "Microcosm" describes how Poles treated and even murdered Germans after the war - are these no sad facts for us? I always appreciated Davies because he is impartial. Ruhr Poles are immigrants for you? In that case Germans are also immigrants in Silesia, Pomerania, Masuria and even Brandenburg and Saxony. - zdanie od Andrzej Zdybel
  • In II Republic of Poland nobody expelled Germans for be german. They leaved Poland because they didn't want live by the polish authorities. A lot of emigrants were soldiers, teachers and officials who couldn't find job in Poland. Germany was richer country than Poland, before 1918 a lot of people went to Ruhrgebiet and Berlin for work. If you analise who leaved Poland in 1919-1939, you can see that was people from cities and towns. Germans in villages in mostly didn't went to Germany. - zdanie od PomorskiWilk
  • Naziści walczyli w imię niemieckiego nacjonalizu i niemieckim interesom. Walczyli w imieniu wywalczeniu przestrzeni życiowej dla narodu niemieckiego kosztem innych narodów oraz zniszczeniu wrogów wewnętrznych (Żydzi) i zewnętrznych (Polaków). Tytuł filmu nie jest adekwatny, bo mówi w zasadzie o historii Górnego Śląska, a nie całego Śląska. A już nie mówię o tym, że pominięto historię Śląska z czasów Piastów (pierwsze 300 lat II tysiąclecia). - zdanie od PomorskiWilk